
f.2數學 唔識點計


philip is 3 times as old as his daughter.if the difference of their ages is 36, find the ages of philip and his daughter. philip既歲數係佢個女既3倍...如果佢地既age係相差36 歲 ....佢地幾多歲呢? 一定要例式~!





設女兒是 x : 3x - x = 36 2x = 36 x = 18 答: 女兒是 18 歲 philip 是 3(18)=54歲


x = 18 =.=|||||Let Philip's age is x and his daughter's age is y x-y=36 and x=3y Sub x=3y into x-y=36 3y-y=36 2y=36 y=18 Since x=3y x=3x18 x=54|||||Let X be philip age; Let y be philip daughter age; "philip is 3 times as old as his daughter" Therefore 3y = X ; (Eq1) "if the difference of their ages is 36," Threfore X-y = 36; (Eq2) Subsitute Eq1 into Eq2 3y - y = 36 2y = 36 y = 18 Put y = 18 into Eq 1 X = 3x18 X = 54 i.e. Philip is 54 years old and Philip daughter is 18|||||Let age of philip be x,his daughter be y x-y=36------1 x=3y---------2 put 2 into 1 2y=36 y=18 put y=18 into 1 x=54 THUS,the age of philip is 54,his daughter is 18|||||Let Philip's age is x and his daughter's age is y x-y=36 and x=3y Sub x=3y into x-y=36 3y-y=36 2y=36 y=18 Since x=3y x=3x18 x=54 So Philip is 56 years old and his daughter is 18 years old 2008-02-21 17:37:54 補充: So Philip is 54 years old and his daughter is 18 years old|||||我想問是唔是二元一次式
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