每種植物向有陽光既時候就會有photosynthesis occur 只要你俾足24小時陽光個植物, 佢都會做photosynthesis Photosynthesis 分 Light reaction 同Dark reaction 你可能話向Dark reaction 咪唔駛陽光羅 係,係Dark reaction 係唔駛陽光, 但係個equation 係咁: Carbon dioxide(from air) + Hydrogen (From Light reactions) ---> Carbohydrate (glucose) + water 留意係無Oxygen come out既, 所以要有陽光先令植物放出氧 而邊種植物放出既氧氣最多係無既 植物都係生物, 都要respiration, 只要令到佢個photosynthesis rate大過 respiration rate, 佢就會放出氧, 相反就係吸氧放二氧化碳 而係有辦法提高個photosynthesis rate 既: 1 : Light intensity (light intensity increase, rate of photosynthesis increase) 2 : Carbon dioxide concentration (The more CO2 a plant is given, the faster it can undergo photosynthesis) 只要提高呢兩樣野, 個種植物就會放最多氧
請問那一種植物會24小時放出氧氣? 植物在光合作用果陣先會放出氧氣 24小時都有陽光就可以24小時放出氧氣 但呢個可能性極低 那一種植物放出氧氣最多? 基本上沒有太大分別 不要深入研究XD|||||For the question about which plant will give out oxygen for 24 hours, they are probably plant near North pole or South pole. Only in those areas, for some period in a year, they got 24 hours of sunlight a day. This then allows photosynthesis to occur for 24 hours a day. For the second question, it is really hard to say. Since there are too much factor affecting it. Plant size, humidity, light intensity, wind speed, carbon dioxide concentration...