標題: 此文章來自奇摩知識+如有不便請留言告知
c 語言問題 , 希望c 高手教路
我想問c語言點可以寫一個程式來run file? 比如我有200個files , 我想佢地 random 開, 每隔一陣開一個... 希望c 高手教路! 更新: I want to open html files for reading! Not really run them, only open them. The names are like index.html , 1.html ,etc. I don't have a list but they are stay in same folder. The file must present. The interval is fixed. 更新 2: I want to display the file using IE. It perfers to use C but it can use others.
1. Open webpage with IE: apply system call, system(char*) system("\"C:\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe\" [url / file]"); e.g. system("\"C:\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe\" hk.yahoo.com"); ---------- 2. Open webpage randomly: generate the c string by random function, rand() using
Do you want to open the files for reading, or do you want to run (execute) them? What are the names of the files, do you have a list residing on a disk file, or are they generated according to a known algorithm? What are the chances that the files are not there? What are the intervals, fixed, random? 2008-06-08 05:12:35 補充: Do you want to display the file using a browser such as IE or firefox, or do you want to open the html source file and work with the contents? Is C a requirement, such as for homework, or any language is OK?
- Aug 04 Fri 2017 02:09
c 語言問題 , 希望c 高手教路