Eva來自於一充滿親情、溫暖、和諧的家庭。家中有四位成員;身為家中老大的我,相較於同齡孩子獨立,沒有一絲驕縱個性,反倒具備心思細膩的特質,凡事對自己負責以及多為別人著想,在每個求學階段,都有不錯的良好人際關係。本人畢業於oo技術學院企管系,在校期間,除了用心鑽研本科系的必修課程之外,由於本身感到語文能力的不足,還選修英文方面的課程,以彌補自己語文方面的缺陷。學業方面,雖非名列前茅,但一直保持中上程度。因為唸企業管理的原因,上課 時... 顯示更多 Eva來自於一充滿親情、溫暖、和諧的家庭。家中有四位成員;身為家中老大的我,相較於同齡孩子獨立,沒有一絲驕縱個性,反倒具備心思細膩的特質,凡事對自己負責以及多為別人著想,在每個求學階段,都有不錯的良好人際關係。 本人畢業於oo技術學院企管系,在校期間,除了用心鑽研本科系的必修課程之外,由於本身感到語文能力的不足,還選修英文方面的課程,以彌補自己語文方面的缺陷。學業方面,雖非名列前茅,但一直保持中上程度。因為唸企業管理的原因,上課 時 教授會講許多企業管理相關實例,而企管出身的我,自然也培養出一股雄心壯志,期待在畢業後,能再就業職場一展身手,大放異彩。 專科時曾擔任7-11服務人員,不但因此熟悉應對進退的禮儀,我也發現自己非常喜歡服務人群,看到顧客能夠享受滿意的服務,是我擔任服務人員期間最大的樂趣。所以,不管我以後從事何種工作,我有充分的信心,在面對與客戶溝通、和人群互動的情況時,能順利並快速地提供客戶所需資訊。 我的個性開朗,而且願意不斷地學習,若未來有機會進入貴公司,我將不斷精進自己的專業知識,並會向同事、主管請益,懇請給予面試機會。 更新: 真的非常感謝綺澄,對我的幫助很大~~超級謝謝你的
Eva comes from a family full of warm, harmonious family. Families with four members of a family of my eldest child, in comparison to the same age children independence, no slightest Jiaozong personality, with thoughts instead of the delicate nature of everything on its own and many others for the sake of students in each stage, there It is true the good interpersonal relationships. I graduated from the Department of oo Institute of Technology MBA, in-school period, in addition to undergraduate study of the intentions of the compulsory courses, because of their lack of language proficiency is also an elective English courses to make up for the shortcomings in their own language. Academic, is not among the best, but has remained on the extent of. Because the reasons for the study of enterprise management, class professor will speak many examples related to enterprise management and business administration who I am, naturally develop an ambition and look forward to after graduation, could show an employment workplace skill, can make amazing stuff. When the 7-11 specialist services, not only to advance and retreat so familiar with the rituals, I also find that they love the service the crowd and see the customers will be able to enjoy satisfactory service, as is my staff during the greatest fun. Therefore, no matter what I work in the future, I have full confidence in the face with the customer communication, interaction and the crowd situation, the smooth and rapid delivery of customer information required. My personality cheerful, and willing to continue to study, if the future have access to your company, I will continue to sophisticated their professional knowledge, and to my colleagues, in charge of benefits please, I implore the opportunity to interview.