2010al history pp
我想要2010al history(中文)past paper 完整 仲好有埋ANS 唔該!!!
My comment as follows: 1) It is prohabited by Yahoo knowledge doing such knowledge transaction. 2) It is copyright violated for the questions are belonged to HKEA and we have no authority to duplicate or make photocopy publicly without permission. 3) If you really need them, why do not you consult your subject teacher and see if he/she could lend your photocopy a few pages for reference privately? I share here for I have some opinions on how to use Yahoo knowledge. Here I find increasing abuse of use of this platform recently in different aspects, which should be avoided. And there are increasingly more irrelevant answers posted / or duplicated from others, which should all be prohibited as well. That is my candid feeling. Hope I can answer your question.