

runescape升skills and money question


係邊度升射箭同其他skills好?仲有点樣先可以賺多啲錢,例如100k愈多愈好!啲big bones係唔係要儲好佢先一次過係G.E賣?如果係,要儲幾多個?


1. 射箭 我唔知其他人ge ranged幾多,我本人就只係得80。 升ranged,最重要係 - - 裝束 - 裝備 - 掩護物 基本要睇返你ge lvl去俾意見,但係有個原則 - 唔好打高過自己lvl好多ge 怪。因為你打唔入亦都係無exp。 正如樓上講,打Minotaur (level 12/27)的確唔錯,因為佢地會跌唔少iron arrows。可惜呢個位無任何safe spot,即係你要硬食佢地ge攻擊,若果你本身ge def唔好都幾煩。 事實上係Edgeville Dungeon有個位成日都有3支bronze arrow生出來,而附近有個位有d skeleton(都會跌arrows)走來走去,仲有個位可以俾你匿埋,若果你又唔係咁富貴又唔係咁好hp,都可以係果度打下。 有返50幾ranged同埋有maple bow先好諗打lesser / moss giant。 仲要唔好去wizard tower果度打……因為你拎唔返d loots。 你可以去dragon slayer quest去過ge Crandor Islandr打啦,有安全點,有lesser 2 隻同埋moss giant 數隻。呢個時候最少用steel arrow啦。 其他skill﹖我諗唔夠位講,你再問過啦。 賺錢,其實賣o野都已經係最賺錢架啦。若果唔係就run air (world 66)都應該有得賺ge。 家陣賣big bone唔駛儲起先賣啦,你有幾多,想賣咩價,放係ge,一有人接你個價,"ge"就幫你放出去。以前要儲一堆先賣,係因為d買家唔鍾意分散咁買。家陣"ge",買家可以係唔同賣家度「籌集」,由"ge"自動分配。 舉個例︰ 我想buy (買) 100件骨︰100ea(假設) 咁可能係︰ a賣家 數量︰20件 + b賣家 數量︰67件 +a賣家 數量︰13件 = 100件 而唔係同單一個賣家進行買賣。所以,若果你覺得個價ok,就算你得一條骨都可以賣左佢架啦。





射箭最好係lesser demon or moss giant,佢地都會drop好野同埋exp都唔錯 試下cut yews,400 ea 最好儲1k big bones先賣|||||IF you want to improve your ranging, you go to falaor and go in to the whitekight castle. Left of the castle, there is a door to go in. You run to the table and shoot lvl 38 or 36 white kight, they can't attack you, then you can shoot them slowly. Thats is the best way to improve your range. I go to white castle to improve my range to 67. If you want to earn more than 100k, if you can mining coal and smith steel bar you can mining 1000 coal and go to grandexchange and buy 500 iron per day and make 500 steel bar to sell them. That can earn more than 300k per day. IF YOU HAVE about 50 fishing lvl you can go to kajama lssland to fish swwordfishes and lobster you can fish 200 swordfish and 100 lobs and sell them,, that can earn about 110k...... big bones係要儲好佢先一次過係G.E賣,要儲200 big bones 先 sell. That can earn more than 100k. lololololz!!!!|||||Ranging you could try on minteurs in stronghold of sercurity, they drop more arrow than you even hat shot if youre over lvl 30. if you want to make 100k easily, you will need to have 70 woodcutting or try pking in bounty for more risk. Big bones is approx. 300ea so you could put 300 in GE and get money within 3 days.|||||Archery - Keep on sooting the lesser demon on the 3rd floor of the wizard tower. You can make money by: Playing the bounter hunter game in wildy Mine till your bored. Sell pure essence if you're a member. Mine silver and sell for 200ea That should get you pretty rich. You're big bones are pretty expensive. Try selling in fiftys.

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